Astro Tips: This remedy of blue flower can change your luck

Benefits of Aparajita flower: If despite hard work you are not getting blessings in your house then worship Goddess Lakshmi with Aparajita flower every Friday. Also offer Aparajita flowers to Goddess Lakshmi. Then tie these flowers in a red cloth and keep them in the place where money is kept. By doing this, financial problems go away and debt also reduces. Along with this, fasting on Mokshada Ekadashi and offering blue flowers of Aparajita to Lord Krishna removes poverty.

Flowers have special importance in every puja. They are pleased by offering flowers to Gods and Goddesses. Many flowers and plants are especially dear to the gods. one of these undefeated There is a flower, which is also called Vishnukanta flower. This flower is also used in many astrological remedies. This flower is very dear to Lord Vishnu as well as Shanidev. By following these simple remedies related to Aparajita flower, peace and harmony remains in the house. By taking a special remedy related to Aparajita flower, one gets relief from financial problems. let's find out astrological solution About this.

to fulfill wishes

By offering Aparajita flowers at the feet of Hanumanji, a person never faces shortage of money. If any of your wishes are not being fulfilled for a long time, then you can try these remedies related to Aparajita flower. Offer garlands of Aparajita flowers to Mother Durga, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. With this your wish will soon be fulfilled. Keeping some Aparajita flowers in the north-east corner of the house does not bring negative energy.

To overcome the economic crisis

If you are short of money then do the magic of Aparajita flower, you will get benefit. For this, you will have to keep 3 Aparajita flowers floating in water on Saturday. This has to be done for three Saturdays. This will remove the shortage of money.

for early marriage

If your marriage is getting delayed or you are facing problems in your marital life, then take 5 Aparajita flowers and bury them in a secluded place. Use wood to dig the ground.

to get rid of difficulties

If you are facing problems in your life then you should offer Aparajita flower to Lord Shanidev on Saturday. The problem will be solved. For happiness and peace, it is considered best to offer Aparajita flowers to Lord Bholenath on Monday.

to get the job you want

If you want the desired job, then take 5 Aparajita flowers and 5 small pieces of alum and offer them to your presiding deity and keep those flowers in your purse before going for the interview the next day. By doing this you will be successful in getting the job of your choice.

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