7 effective foods to increase hemoglobin: Know what to do for your health!

Due to deficiency of hemoglobin there is lack of oxygen in the body parts. Due to which one has to face many problems.

Hemoglobin: Deficiency of hemoglobin means anemia. When red blood cells are not produced properly in the body, they begin to deteriorate rapidly. Due to deficiency of hemoglobin there is lack of oxygen in the body parts. Due to which one has to face many problems.

Hemoglobin: Deficiency of hemoglobin causes many problems in the body. When hemoglobin decreases, many types of problems start occurring in the body. Such as – fatigue, weakness, dizziness, difficulty in breathing, headache, irritability, pale skin, cold hands and feet, fast or irregular heartbeat, brittle nails.

Symptoms start appearing on the body due to iron deficiency

Due to iron deficiency in the body, people can become victims of many diseases. Iron deficiency not only weakens the body but can also make you a victim of anemia. Due to deficiency of iron, folic acid and vitamin B in the body, hemoglobin starts decreasing. Due to which the body becomes very weak. Not only this, low level of hemoglobin can also cause many problems in the kidneys.

If you are also struggling with this problem then include some of these food items in your diet. By consuming these food items you can fulfill the iron deficiency in the body. Let us know which iron-rich foods you should include in your diet to increase hemoglobin count. Include iron-rich foods in your diet.

barley: Sattu contains many types of minerals which are very important for health. It contains a lot of iron which regulates the formation of red blood cells and prevents iron deficiency anemia.

Roasted gram: One cup of gram contains 4.7 mg of iron, it also contains vitamin C which helps the body to absorb iron. Eating gram regularly reduces the chances of iron deficiency. Legumes like gram, moong, lentils, kidney beans and white beans are rich in iron and can be eaten in lunch.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate is rich in Vitamin K, Vitamin C, fiber, potassium and protein. Pomegranate is recommended for anemia as it is rich in nutrient C. The high amount of nutrient C in pomegranate enables our body to easily absorb the iron present in it.

Ragi: Ragi contains iron, which is essential for red blood cell formation and fighting anemia. Sprouted ragi contains more iron than ground ragi, with 51 mg of iron per 100 g, while ground ragi contains 5 mg of iron per 100 g.

Fig: Figs are rich in vitamins and iron. Soaking figs in water overnight and eating them in the morning can increase hemoglobin levels.

Curry Leaf Tea: Curry leaves tea is best in the morning to start the day which helps reduce insulin resistance and improves iron and hair health

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, definitely consult the concerned expert.

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