You will be surprised to know the 7 miraculous benefits of Peepal tree.

Latest News :- Peepal tree has great importance in Hindu religion. It is considered religiously sacred. Many benefits of Peepal tree have been described in Ayurveda. Many types of Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from it. So let us know the 7 health benefits of this.

1. Peepal tree proves to be very beneficial in respiratory problems. Take out the inner part of the stem of Peepal tree, dry it and grind it finely to make powder. Taking this powder daily with lukewarm water cures respiratory diseases.

2. Peepal teeth make teeth strong and shiny. Brushing the teeth with peepal tree relieves the problem of tooth pain and sensitivity. Apart from this, grinding 10 grams of Peepal bark, catechu and 2 grams of black pepper and brushing teeth makes the teeth strong and shiny.

3. Applying the juice of Peepal leaves on the bite of a poisonous animal reduces the effect of the poison.

4. To get rid of skin diseases like ringworm and itching, drinking the decoction of fresh soft Peepal leaves provides quick relief.

5. If there is a wound or swelling due to injury on the body, heat Peepal leaves and tie them on that place. With this the wound will start healing soon and the swelling will reduce.

6. In case of cold, dry Peepal leaves in shade, mix them with sugar candy and drink the decoction. This provides quick relief from cold and cough.

7. Peepal is rich in antioxidant properties, chewing its fresh leaves relieves stress and fatigue quickly.

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