Ubisoft Admits Star Wars Outlaws Fell Short of Sales Expectations

Ubisoft’s latest release, Star Wars Outlawshas not met the company’s sales expectations despite receiving fairly solid reviews. The French video game publisher revealed in a recent financial report, dated September 25, that although the game received decent ratings from Metacritic (76) and Epic Games Store (3.9/5), it failed to sell as well as the company had hoped. This shortfall has had significant implications for Ubisoft’s overall financial performance in the second quarter of 2024.

Ubisoft Misses Financial Targets

In the report, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot admitted that the company’s fiscal performance for the second quarter did not meet its projected targets, which he attributed in part to the disappointing sales of Star Wars Outlaws. Despite high expectations for the game, which is set in the popular Star Wars universe, Guillemot acknowledged that Ubisoft’s failure to hit its financial goals was a direct result of the game’s underperformance. He stressed that the company is responding quickly, with the development teams working on updates to improve the player experience and address key gameplay issues.

“We are actively implementing strategies that prioritize the user experience while reinforcing the long-term value of Ubisoft’s intellectual properties,” Guillemot said in a statement. The CEO also assured investors that Ubisoft remains committed to addressing the concerns surrounding Star Wars Outlawshoping to salvage the game’s reputation through post-launch updates.

No Set Sales Target, But Disappointing Performance Confirmed

While Ubisoft did not set a specific sales target for Star Wars Outlaws ahead of its August 26 release, the lack of clear expectations only added to concerns about its overall success. Following the game’s launch, Ubisoft’s stock price dropped sharply, confirming fears that Outlaws had fallen short of the company’s internal hopes.

According to industry sources cited by GamesIndustry.biz during their Microcast podcast, Star Wars Outlaws reportedly sold around 800,000 units across Xbox and PlayStation platforms by the end of August 2024. However, these figures remain unconfirmed, as Ubisoft has not issued an official statement on the game’s sales numbers. For a game tied to such a massive franchise as Star Warsthese figures have been regarded as underwhelming.

Major Gameplay Issues Hamper Experience

One of the most significant factors contributing to Star Wars Outlaws’ underperformance is the game’s widely reported technical issues and gameplay flaws. Players have expressed frustration over several broken or flawed features, leading many to feel that the game was released in an unfinished state.

One of the biggest controversies arose when PlayStation 5 players discovered they had to delete their progress in order to update the game just before its official release. This technical oversight was met with widespread disappointment, especially for those who had already invested time in the game.

Additionally, many players voiced concerns over broken gameplay mechanics. The game’s stealth system, which should have been a core part of the gameplay experience, was reportedly ineffective. Players complained that it lacked the fluidity needed for engaging in fast-paced scenarios that required quick decision-making. Similarly, the stun feature, which was intended to be a crucial tool in combat, had an excessively long cooldown period, making it nearly useless in situations where quick reactions were vital.

These problems, coupled with other technical glitches, created an experience that many players found frustrating and incomplete. Fans took to social media and gaming forums to express their dissatisfaction, and many felt that the game lacked the polish expected of a major Star Wars title.

Ubisoft’s Road Ahead

In response to these issues, Ubisoft’s development teams are working diligently to fix the game’s problems. The company is rolling out updates aimed at addressing the stealth system, reducing the cooldown time on key features like the stun mechanic, and improving overall performance.

While it remains to be seen whether these updates will be enough to save Star Wars Outlaws from its rocky start, Ubisoft is clearly committed to turning things around. The publisher has a history of reviving games through post-launch support, as evidenced by the success of titles like Rainbow Six Siegewhich also faced a difficult start but eventually found a dedicated player base after significant updates.

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