Work from home: Preparation for odd-even and work from home in Delhi, will be strictly followed

Work from home: On Wednesday, Environment Minister Gopal Rai announced a 21-point winter action plan against air pollution in the capital Delhi. He said that Delhi government will implement it strictly. Under this, there is a plan for odd-even and work from home. These measures will be implemented when pollution increases in winter.

Gopal Rai said that due to the ten historic efforts of the people of the capital and the Delhi government in the last years, the pollution level has reduced by 34.6 percent. While in the year 2016 there were 243 days of pollution, in 2023 it has reduced to 159 days. He said that under the Winter Action Plan, this time for the first time, pollution hot spots in Delhi will be monitored with drones.

A six-member special task force has been formed to monitor and prevent pollution. He said that as an emergency measure, focus would be on odd-even and artificial rain. Working from home will be encouraged. In case of increase in pollution, GRAP (Graded Response Action Plan) will be strictly implemented and will be worked together with the Central Government and neighboring states.

Strict monitoring at construction sites Gopal Rai said that this time bio-decomposer will be sprayed free of cost in more than 5,000 acres of fields. Construction sites will be strictly monitored and vehicular pollution will be reduced as well as open burning of garbage will be banned.

Gopal Rai said that thermal power plants located in Delhi have been closed. Today Delhi is the only city in the country which does not have any coal based thermal power plant. Fines are being imposed on those causing dust pollution and their real time monitoring is being done through a web portal. 1959 industrial units registered in Delhi have been shifted from polluting fuel to piped natural gas. Special monitoring of hotspots is being done so that strict action can be taken against those causing pollution.

He said that special monitoring is being done to reduce pollution in hotspot areas. Due to the Peripheral Expressway, there has been a huge reduction in the number of non-essential vehicles entering Delhi.

Appeal for cooperation from NCR states

● All public vehicles coming from NCR to Delhi should be CNG or electric.

● Convert industrial units to PNG

● Brick kilns should be converted to zig-zag technology

● 24 hours electricity should be provided to all societies to reduce dependence on diesel generators.

● Firecrackers should be banned. Pollution caused by stubble smoke should be stopped

'Need to work together for prevention'

Gopal Rai said, more than two-thirds of Delhi's pollution comes from sources outside Delhi. According to the CSE report, 69 percent of Delhi's pollution is contributed by external sources. Delhi Government, Government of India, CAQM and NCR states will have to work together to control pollution.

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