Here’s when season 2 of the historical action anime series drops on streaming sites!

New Delhi: Rurouni Kenshin is a Japanese anime television series, that began its dive originally as a manga series in the world of anime and television, it was written by Nobuhiro Watsuki. The manga was converted into an anime adaptation twice, once in the 1996–98 series, then as a series in July 2023.

Its historically set action background and plot captured the eye of many anime fans and fans of the genres alike, warranting a quick and fast-growing fan base with fans waiting in bated breath for season two to hit television and streaming platforms.

Following it’s growing community amongst the masses A second season, subtitled Kyoto Disturbance is set to premiere in October 2024.


In the Meiji era of Japan, lives a man by the name of Himura Kenshin, he is a rounin, or a samurai with no master or any links to any clans or families, along with being so, he is also a pacifist. Wandering the country’s towns, cities, and outskirts, Himura uses his excellent swordsman to help the people in need, whether or not how big or small the task may be.

Once, in the old times, he was a highly feared and deadly political assassin, his title being Hitokiri Battōsai, but shortly after his reign of terror, Himura decides that quitting this path in his life is the best alternative, and he instead chooses to take up a path of relative peace and harmony.

Wielding a reverse-bladed sword, known as the sakabato, Himura has taken the vow, to never once use his blade to take another life, and wills himself to live a life of relativeness and simplicity.

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