Do people who eat less food live longer, read what science says about this…

: Often when someone is about to die or is counting his last breaths but is unable to die, then you must have heard the elders saying that God has sent every person in this world with certainty of his food and water, It still has food and water left. At the same time, many times you must have heard children and youth being told that eat less food, you will live longer, you will live longer? Eating too much food reduces lifespan. Have you ever wondered whether eating less actually increases your age? Are these words of the elders false or does modern science also say something on this, let us know.. If we look at it, ever since the beginning of humanity, man has been searching to increase his age, live longer and increase his health. This story begins with the churning of the ocean, when the gods and demons tried to capture the nectar. So that they can become immortal and live forever. In our ancient history, 7-8 Chiranjeevis are also talked about. These are humans who are still alive.

Eating too much food reduces lifespan. Eating too much food reduces lifespan. Even in Ayurveda, a lot of emphasis is given on how to stay healthy, fit and young and how to avoid old age? Getting a long life is also mentioned in the texts of other countries. The book The Epic of Gilgamesh, which is said to be the oldest book from the Mesopotamian period, is a book written in today's Iraq or old Sumeria. In this, King Gilgamesh sets out in search of a plant by which a person can conquer death. It is also written in the Bible that earlier people lived for 100-200 years.

Modern science has done many researches. Dr. Sanjay Kalra, President of the Association of Longevity and Anti-Aging Medicine and a well-known endocrinologist of Bharti Hospital, Karnal, says that in modern science, modern doctors have also tried to work on this and have seen that It has been said that if we do calorie restriction then our age increases. Most people understand calorie restriction to mean being hungry, weak and malnourished. However, it is not like that. In many researches, it was found in insects, small animals and monkeys that if they increase their food intake i.e. their ability to take food to 80 percent, then they live longer.

Also keep in mind that you should not become malnourished, your diet should be balanced. People live longer in the Blue Zones. All these studies have been done only in animals but in humans also it has been found that there are five areas in the whole world, their name is Blue Zones. Zones). These are places present in five countries. One of these is Okinawa in Japan, Ikaria in Greece, Loma Linda in America, Sardinia in Italy and Nicoya in Costa Rica. It has been seen that people here live a long life. People living in these Blue Zones have a rule of 80 percent food. They say eat only until you are 80 percent full. That means leave 20 percent. This is the secret of their longevity. Why does calorie restriction increase lifespan? When an attempt was made to find out why calorie restriction increases lifespan? So it was seen that there are many organs in our body, there are different cells in them, every cell also has different parts and the power house of these parts of the cell is called mitochondrium.

It contains an enzyme named AMP Kinase. When we eat less food, AMP Kinase becomes active and becomes more active. If the powerhouse or battery of our cells becomes more active, then automatically our entire body will become more active, healthy and effective. This will also increase the length of life. It is difficult for people to do this. It is becoming difficult for people to reduce their food intake in the era of Swiggy Zomato. It is becoming difficult for people to reduce their food intake in the era of Swiggy Zomato. Today's world Unlimited food is available. That is why it is very difficult for people to do calorie restriction. Doctors advise to eat less but people are unable to do so. In such a situation, it is important that people train themselves and regulate themselves towards eating less food.

Medicines are being searched: Another option is that now medicines are being searched which do calorie restriction and which activate AMP Kinase. Some such examples are diabetes medicines like metformin. There are some other such medicines, SGLT-2 inhibitors are also medicines for diabetes. The third is GLP-1RA. This is a medicine to reduce both diabetes and obesity. It has been observed that these medicines also activate AMP Kinase. Be careful while taking medicines. Even if you have knowledge about medicines, always keep in mind that use these medicines only when they have been prescribed to you for diabetes or obesity. . Do not take these at all without doctor's advice because they require monitoring. Keep lifestyle healthy

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