Skipping meals to eating less calories, 6 worst habits that are ruining your routine

Are you eating too few calories in an endeavour to lose weight? This may be more harm than good. Here are common weight loss mistakes that can hinder your growth.

Weight loss mistakes can spoil the progress made so far (Freepik)

Reducing weight, burning fat requires a lot of physical, mental and emotional investment. Weight loss is not as easy as it may sound. Consistency and dedication is the key to it. Having strong will power to power through sluggish periods, or to not give in guilty cravings is essential. However, skipping meals or eating too few calories to quicken the process might backfire. Everyday common mistakes may ruin your weight loss progress completely. Wondering what could be these common habits?

5 weight loss mistakes that can ruin your routine

  1. Skipping Meals: This is the most common mistake that people make and probably don’t even know. What we at or not majorly impacts the body’s nutrient profile. If we miss out on meals, it could affect our protein, fibre intake and can slow down weight loss process as well.
  2. Consuming too few calories: One key aspect of weight loss is the calorie deficit. It is burning more calories that consumption. Decreasing your calorie intake significantly can be counterproductive as well. It may lead to hunger cravings, loss of muscle mass and slow down metabolic rate even. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy balance so that the body is not deficient n anything during weight loss regime.
  3. Excess or to less exercises: Excess of too much is bad. And not doing anything at all also is not healthy. During weight loss, one must ensure that muscle mass is not lost. It should be strengthen and built upon. Hence, over exerting yourself to burn more calories or solely relying on diet will hinder your weight loss process.
  4. Not enough protein or fibre: Protein and fibre are two of the most essential nutrients to add in your weight loss diet. Protein is important for muscle mass, fibre helps in digestion, better absorption of nutrients and boost metabolism. Hence, it is cardinal to include a fruit bowl and veggies in the diet.
  5. Inconsistency: Lack of a good routine and breaking in and off the schedule for weight loss will slow down your progress and you would not have optimal results form the weight loss routine. It is important to keep going on days when you feel lazy.
  6. Erratic sleep cycle: Despite a healthy diet, exercise routine, not managing sleep schedule can affect your weight loss progress. Sleep deprivation can affect metabolism, energy levels and productivity. A good quality sleep of atleast 7-8 hours is encouraged.

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