If you want to control high blood pressure then know these special methods, there will be no need of medicine.

Health News Desk,In today's era, a large number of people are suffering from the problem of high blood pressure. It is also called high blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is between 80 to 120. When it goes above 120, there is a problem of high BP. This disease is called 'silent killer' because its initial symptoms are not visible. Due to high blood pressure, the pressure on our heart increases significantly, which can also lead to heart attack. Apart from this, this problem badly affects health. To avoid any kind of problem, you should keep your blood pressure under control. It can be controlled by adopting some methods even without medicine.

exercise every day
According to a report by Healthline, exercising for 30 to 60 minutes a day can help reduce blood pressure. This improves your mood and reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Healthy people should also include exercise in their schedule. It is believed to include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, meat, fish and nuts in the diet to control high blood pressure. Needed One should avoid eating too much sweets. Apart from this, consumption of soda and juice should be reduced. A healthy diet rich in nutrients should be taken.

eat less salt
People suffering from high blood pressure should eat less salt. This will give you relief to a great extent. Sweet spices can be added to food instead of salt. Apart from this, one should also avoid salty snacks and fast food.

Keep your weight under control and stay stress free
If you keep your weight under control or try to lose excess weight, the problem of high blood pressure will get relief to a great extent. Obesity can cause many problems including high blood pressure. Therefore, adopt a healthy way to lose weight. You will be surprised to know that excessive stress can also increase blood pressure.

quit smoking and alcohol
Smoking increases your blood pressure. Smoking increases the risk of heart attack and stroke in people with high blood pressure. Quitting smoking can help control your blood pressure. Apart from this, consumption of alcohol can also increase blood pressure. So leave that too.

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