Nutritious Food for Glowing Face

Nutritious Food for Glowing Face: Wedding day is the most important day of every girl's life and it is the wish of every bride to look beautiful and shining on that day. To fulfill this desire, it is very important to follow the right beauty diet. Bridal beauty diet not only makes your skin healthy and glowing but also keeps you healthy from inside. Here are some easy and effective diet tips that can make your skin look great for your wedding day-

Also read: Start preparing three months in advance to look beautiful in the wedding.

Pay attention to hydration

The most important part of the diet is to drink enough water. Hydration is very important to keep the skin healthy and glowing. Make a habit of drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Along with water, drink coconut water, herbal tea, and fresh fruit juices.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals play an important role in improving your skin. Include green leafy vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, spinach and broccoli in your diet. These provide essential nutrients to your skin. Additionally, antioxidant-rich fruits like strawberries, blueberries and oranges also keep your skin glowing and healthy.

Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids help keep your skin hydrated and plump. Include fish like salmon and trout in your diet, which are good sources of these fatty acids. Along with this, foods like flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts are also beneficial for your skin as they are also rich in Omega-3.

protein rich diet

Eat a protein-rich diet to keep your skin glowing and healthy till your wedding. Include pulses and gram in the form of salads or soups, which give freshness to the skin. Add cheese to vegetables or salads and have yogurt with fruit or honey. These are a good source of protein and probiotics. Eggs, which are rich in protein and amino acids, can be eaten boiled or in omelettes. For more protein, consume protein shakes, in which drinking fruit, milk or yogurt will provide additional benefits to the skin.

Reduce salt and sugar intake

Consuming excessive salt and sugar can have negative effects on your skin. These ingredients can retain water, making your skin look lifeless and tired. Therefore, try to reduce the amount of salt and sugar in your diet. Instead, choose more natural and less processed foods. You can keep your skin healthy and glowing by consuming fresh fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods.

Natural and light foods

Excessive oily and fried foods can have negative effects on your skin. Instead, include fresh, natural and light foods in your diet. These foods provide essential nutrition and vitamins to your skin, keeping your skin healthy, glowing and fresh. Such foods will help in glowing your skin and maintaining its natural beauty.

right supplements


If your diet is lacking in some essential nutrients, then take Vitamin-B, Vitamin-E and B-complex supplements. These supplements help in improving the health of your skin, enhancing the glow of the skin and making it healthy. The right supplements can fill in the gaps in your diet and provide your skin with the nutrition it needs. By following these simple and effective diet tips, you can have glowing and healthy skin for your wedding day. Remember that beauty doesn't just come from external appearance, but also from a healthy diet and lifestyle. Pay attention to your diet and enjoy your amazing skin on your wedding day!

consuming the right fats

The right fats, like avocado and olive oil, help keep your skin glowing. These fats retain the moisture of your skin and make it soft. Including these healthy fats in your diet will provide your skin with the necessary nutrition and keep it naturally glowing.

Diet guide according to time to improve the skin of bride-

6 months before the wedding
8-10 glasses of water, coconut water, herbal tea daily.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Carrots, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, strawberries, blueberries, oranges.
Omega 3: Salmon, trout, flax seeds.
Protein: Pulses, gram, cheese, curd, eggs.
Right Fat: Avocado, olive oil.

3 months before the wedding
Natural and light foods:
Avoiding fried and oily foods.
Supplements: Vitamin C, E and B-complex supplements (if needed).
Skin Care: Use of exfoliating and hydrating face masks.

1 month before the wedding
Attention to diet:
Fiber rich foods, green leafy vegetables, legumes.
Special foods for skin: Green tea, almonds, pistachios.
regular exercise: Yoga, walk, light exercise.
Detox: Detox water (lemon, cucumber, mint) once a week.

wedding day
Light breakfast:
Oats or fruits.
Healthy Snacks: Keep light and nutritious snacks during the day, such as fruits or nuts, so that energy remains.
Refreshing Drinks:Drink green tea or herbal tea, which will keep your energy up and help with digestion.
Juice: Drink fresh fruit juice, especially orange or carrot juice, to get vitamin C and antioxidants.
Water Bottle: Keep a water bottle with you so that you can stay hydrated from time to time.

These are also important along with diet

Exercise: Start exercising regularly before marriage, like yoga, gym or walking. It will not only keep your body fit but will also make your skin glowing.
Skin Care Routine: Follow a good skin care routine, which includes cleansing, toning and moisturizing. This will keep your skin clean and healthy.
Face Mask: Use a natural face mask once a week, like the honey and aloe vera mask, to give your skin extra nourishment.

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