Keep these things in mind while sowing barley along with setting up the Kalash during Navratri, barley plants will remain fresh.

Shardiya navratri 2024: Barley has a special place during Navratri worship in Hindu religion. Barley is sown on the first day of Navratri along with the establishment of Ghat. It is said that without this the worship of Maa Ambe remains incomplete. The tradition of sowing barley along with the installation of Kalash has been going on since a long time. Which continues even today.

But many times it is seen that barley does not grow properly in nine days. The reason behind this is not sowing barley properly. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about growing barley in the right way.

What is the right way to grow barley during Navratri?

To grow barley during Navratri puja, first take a clean pot of soil.

Now make a swastika with the help of roli and turmeric and write Om.

Now you can decorate the character as per your choice.

Take soil, river soil or sand from a clean place.

Now wet the sand by sprinkling water on it.

Now put this wet sand in a container and spread a thick layer.

Take good quality barley, which is free from insects. Now soak these barley in water overnight.

If you have forgotten to soak barley seeds, sow them early in the morning.

After some time you will see that the bad seeds will come up.

After removing all these, spread the barley well on the soil all around.

Spread a light layer of dry sand on top and cover the seeds slightly. Keep in mind that do not cover the seeds with a very thick layer otherwise the seeds will have difficulty in coming out.

While adding sand, keep in mind that sprinkle it over the seeds with a bowl or container instead of your hands.

Now if you want, cover this earthen vessel with a vessel and keep it for a day or two. In this way you can grow green barley on the occasion of Navratri.

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