Right Age to Become Parents

Right Age to Become Parents: At present every couple is career oriented. He wants to earn more money and gain position as soon as possible. In such a situation, it is not easy for them to take the responsibility of the child. Women think about this topic after 2 to 3 years of marriage but remain in dilemma due to busy lifestyle and fear of taking responsibilities. Increasing age and physical problems can also sometimes become a hindrance in conceiving. Getting pregnant is really a personal decision. When will you be able to take responsibility of the child or what is your financial condition. It is important for you to be physically, emotionally, mentally and financially prepared to have a child. If you are planning to become parents, then it is important for you to know which age is most suitable for you for pregnancy. Let us know about it.

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Don't make mistakes at a young age

Right Age to Become Parents
Don’t make mistakes at a young age

Having a child as a teenager before the age of 20 can be dangerous for you. At this age no woman is mentally prepared to become a mother. However, biologically, women's fertility is at its peak. Also, couples at this age are also financially weak.

20 to 25 age

Even at this age, couples are physically and mentally small. However, women have about 25 percent chance of getting pregnant every month. But this age is also considered right for making a career, in such a situation the responsibility of the child can create discord and financial problems between the couple.

26 to 30 age

Biologically, this may be the best age to take responsibility for the child. The probability of getting pregnant in this duration is 20 percent. At this age you have a good job, knowledge and understanding. Also women are physically strong.

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30 to 35 age

Nowadays most of the couples are deciding to have children at this age. However, by the age of 30 to 35, fertility decreases relatively. But this does not happen in every case. The advantage of having your first child in your early 30s is that you will be able to focus on both your young adulthood and career during this time.

36 to 40 age

At what age should one become a parent?At what age should one become a parent?
36 to 40 age

Fertility reduces significantly at this age. Due to career and family responsibilities, many times couples think of becoming parents even at this age. Getting pregnant at an older age increases health risks like high blood pressure and diabetes. In many cases, IVF may have to be resorted to at this age. If you are also thinking of becoming parents, then think carefully and take the decision at the right age.

after 40

After the age of 40, the chances of women getting pregnant remains only about 5 percent. At this age, the risk of miscarriage increases in the early stages. In this, there is a higher possibility of low birth weight, premature delivery and fetal death.

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