Adulterated food causes serious diseases

Life Style: Remember, there were a lot of reports of adulteration in vegetable oil. During Navratri, news is heard everywhere that many people have fallen ill due to adulterated buckwheat flour. In the desire to earn more at less price, adulterated food products are sold indiscriminately all over the world. Today, everything from milk to grains, cumin seeds to tea leaves is adulterated. It is common to deliberately add water to milk, starch to butter, or mix inferior grains with better grains. In such a situation, to increase the weight of the beans, chalk powder is mixed in the flour and sand or stones are added to it.

Adulteration in food items has a direct impact on our health. According to a research report published in Foods Journal in 2023, people who regularly consume adulterated food easily become victims of diarrhea, heart disease, allergies, dizziness, diabetes, etc. Consuming too much or very unhealthy adulterated food also increases the risk of food poisoning and stomach problems.

• Milk: Place a drop of milk on a smooth surface. If the milk has gone bad without leaving any trace then it means that there is water in your milk. However, if thick foam forms when the milk is stirred or stirred too much, it means that the milk that comes to your house has detergent mixed in it.

Honey: Mix a few drops of honey in a glass of water. If honey settles at the bottom of water, it means that it is pure. At the same time, if sugar is adulterated in honey then it will dissolve completely in water.

• Turmeric and chilli powder: Mix one teaspoon turmeric powder in a glass of hot water. Pure turmeric collects at the bottom of the glass and the water remains clear. If the color of the water changes after adding turmeric powder, it means that the turmeric is adulterated. Similarly, red chilli powder settles at the bottom of hot water, while adulterated chilli powder leaves residue in the water.

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