Kitchen Tips: Rotis become wet when kept in casserole, so follow these tips

Kitchen Tips: There are some people who do not like making rotis much and so that they do not have to make rotis again and again, they make rotis at once for the whole day and keep them in a casserole. This also keeps the roti soft but the problem is that it gets soaked i.e. it becomes soggy. Which does not taste good at all. Today we will tell you some tips by which if you keep roti in casserole, it will not become wet. Let us know here.

put on the plate first

Rotis are never baked and kept directly in a casserole or box. It is always kept wrapped in paper or cloth. But sometimes even doing this makes the roti become soggy. Therefore, instead of packing the rotis in cloth or paper, place a small plate in the casserole and place the rotis on top of it. By keeping it like this, your roti will remain fresh and hot.

use butter paper

Some people keep the roti directly in the casserole, which allows it to become moist. First pack the roti in butter paper and only then place it in the casserole. Butter paper will prevent moisture from getting there, this will keep your roti fresh.

Be careful while cooking

While cooking roti, special care should be taken that the roti should not be raw, because raw rotis become wet if kept closed. Let the roti cook properly on the pan.

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