How to adjust to in-laws' house without mother-in-law: Relationship Advice

If mother-in-law is not in in-laws' house, then adjust like this

The new daughter-in-law faces a lot of difficulty in adjusting without her mother-in-law in her in-laws house. In such a situation, the new daughter-in-law should fulfill her responsibilities well with some wisdom.

Adjust in sasural without mother-in-law(Relationship Advice): The 'in-law' house is incomplete without the mother-in-law. It is the mother-in-law who welcomes the new daughter-in-law to the in-laws house with great enthusiasm, also lovingly introduces the new daughter-in-law to all the people in the house and also teaches her the house manners. But If the mother-in-law is not with her in the in-laws house, then the new daughter-in-law faces many problems. No matter how well she follows the rules and regulations of her in-laws, relatives always say that if she had a mother-in-law, she would have taught her well. Without a mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law would know something. The new daughter-in-law also becomes sad after hearing such taunts from the relatives and thinks that she wishes she had a mother-in-law to teach her things. But it is better than being sad thinking about the things which are not there. That you adjust to what you have and learn to be happy.

Also read: Don't make these 5 mistakes while shopping with your mother-in-law

Relationship Advice
Ask father-in-law about the customs of the house

Daughters-in-law often hesitate in asking anything from their father-in-law, they feel that they don't know what their father-in-law will think if they ask him something, lest he get angry. You should remove such thoughts from your mind and also make your father-in-law feel like your father. Understand and why be afraid to ask your father about anything. Therefore, ask your father-in-law about the customs of the house. Your father-in-law would definitely know what things your mother-in-law liked to do at home and who So you can continue this tradition even after they are no more.

If your mother-in-law is not a mother, then it is your responsibility to fulfill the responsibilities of the house well and do not let anyone feel the absence of her in the house. Along with your husband, you should also take care of the needs of other members of the house and Leave no stone unturned in their service, so that your family remains happy.

family togetherfamily together
Try to keep the family together

You should never bring such a thought in your mind that what will you get by taking everyone along, who is your mother-in-law in your in-laws house who will stop you, you should enjoy your life, why think about others, rather always Try to keep the family together. If there is discord between family members due to some issue, then take the initiative to resolve it.

increase closenessincrease closeness
Do not forget relatives, rather increase closeness

Relatives are the only ones who come handy in times of trouble. In such a situation, it is now your responsibility to maintain relationships with your relatives. Give them the respect that your mother-in-law used to give. On special occasions, invite them to dinner at your home. Call and be ready to help if needed.

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