How to Beat Kang-Jin Loong in Black Myth: Wukong

Kang-Jin Loong is one of the more formidable bosses in Black Myth: Wukong. As a flying Ice Dragon, it challenges players with a combination of lightning attacks, high mobility, and ice-based moves. Defeating Kang-Jin Loong requires a mix of strategic dodging, spell timing, and knowing when to counterattack. This guide will walk you through the steps to successfully beat him.

Credits – RockPaperShotgun

Understanding Kang-Jin Loong’s Attack Patterns

One of the key strategies in defeating any boss in Black Myth: Wukong is learning their attack patterns. Kang-Jin Loong presents several difficult moves that you’ll need to be prepared for:

  1. Aerial Bite Thrust
    At the start of the fight, Kang-Jin Loong will rise into the air and then lunge towards you with a bite. Since there is distance between you and the dragon, you can anticipate this attack and dodge just before it reaches you. This moment is crucial for understanding the dragon’s rhythm.
  2. Double Lightning Bite
    In this attack, the dragon circles around you at ground level, snapping its jaws and leaving behind lightning bolts. The trick to countering this is to dodge immediately after each bite, as the lightning will appear almost instantly. The dragon bites twice, so keep your timing sharp to avoid damage.
  3. Triple Lightning Combo
    This is a more complex attack where Kang-Jin Loong bites twice, with each bite followed by a burst of lightning. The third part of this combo is a tail slam infused with lightning, which leaves the tail grounded briefly. Use this window to get some quick hits in on the tail, maximizing damage output.
  4. Whirlwind
    When pressured, Kang-Jin Loong will attempt to create distance by flying in a circular motion and generating a whirlwind. Back away as soon as you notice it starting this move, and keep your focus to avoid getting caught in the vortex.
  5. Ice Breath
    A signature ice attack, Kang-Jin Loong unleashes a wide sweep of ice from its mouth, dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in its path. This attack can be used from both mid and long-range. The best strategy here is to quickly move out of the attack’s range as soon as you see the dragon charging its breath.
  6. Lightning AOE
    When Kang-Jin Loong’s health drops below 50%, it starts using more ranged attacks, including a devastating Lightning Area of Effect (AOE). In this move, the dragon hovers in the air and rains down lightning bolts across the arena. Stay mobile during this phase, running around the arena to avoid being struck.

Best Strategies to Beat Kang-Jin Loong

Here are some tips to give you the edge in this challenging battle:

  1. Use the Immobilize Spell
    Kang-Jin Loong’s biggest advantage is its constant movement, especially when airborne. At the beginning of the fight, after dodging the Aerial Bite Thrust, use the Immobilize spell to lock the dragon in place. This will give you a prime opportunity to land some strong hits, especially on its head. Immobilizing the dragon at key moments can turn the tide of battle in your favor.
  2. Summon Clones for Maximum Damage
    While fighting this boss, make full use of your clones. Summoning them can help you keep the pressure on, allowing you to land hits on the dragon while it’s distracted. When the dragon is grounded or after using the Immobilize spell, push in with your clones and aim for the head or tail for extra damage.
  3. Time Your Dodges
    Given the fast-paced nature of the fight and Kang-Jin Loong’s combination attacks, timing your dodges is crucial. Dodging too early or too late during attacks like the Double Lightning Bite or the Triple Lightning Combo can result in taking heavy damage. Practice timing your evasions, especially with the lightning-based attacks that follow each bite.
  4. Attack Windows
    Kang-Jin Loong’s lightning combo provides brief windows of vulnerability when its tail slams into the ground. This is the perfect moment to land a few hits without risking too much damage. Additionally, during the Lightning AOE attack, while you’re focused on dodging, look for moments when the dragon descends to the ground, offering an opportunity to strike.
  5. Beware of the Ice Breath
    Ice Breath can deal a lot of damage if you’re caught in it. Always stay aware of Kang-Jin Loong’s movements, and when you see it preparing to use the Ice Breath, back off and reposition yourself to avoid taking significant damage.

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