Alien Story: You will be stunned to hear the story of these 3 incidents related to aliens, know when they happened?

Alien Story: You must have seen the movie Krrish. An alien was shown in this film. Which had come to Earth from another planet. Today we will tell you about the stories related to aliens that have happened in the world. Of these, the biggest stories are of alien encounters. That is, after these incidents, the world focused its attention on the creatures of other worlds. The most important thing is that these incidents had happened when the world had not made enough progress in the field of technology that we could prove that incident scientifically.

Roswell incident

This is the year 1947. When our country became independent. In the month of July this year, a farmer from Roswell, New Mexico found the remains of an unknown object in his field. When he did not understand anything, he informed the local authorities. The officers understood as soon as they saw that this was a matter for them. Therefore he informed this to the American Army. The army accepted it as “UFO”. Although after a few days it is not known what happened, the US Army declared it to be part of a meteorological balloon. But people did not believe in it. People believed that the government was trying to hide the alien ship.

When aliens abducted humans

This incident occurred on September 19, 1961 in New Hampshire. Known as Betsy and Barney Hill. In fact, this was the first time that a human being was abducted by aliens. In this incident, a couple had claimed that when they were returning home in their car, suddenly there was a bright light in front of their car, seeing which they got scared and suddenly they lost their memory. When he regained consciousness he realized that he was several miles away from home. Apart from this, he did not remember anything that happened to him in the meantime.

However, after some time the couple tried to recall their experiences through hypnosis. During this, he told that he was abducted and brought in a high technology alien ship. The aliens present there were physically examining him. After some time, this matter was discussed all over the world.

Thousands of people testified to this incident

This incident happened on March 13, 1997 in Arizona. Which is known as Phoenix Lights. In fact, on this day thousands of people claimed to have seen an unknown object in the sky. This incident is one of the most popular UFO sightings to date, with thousands of people claiming it. Those who claim to have seen it say that they saw a huge triangular shaped object. In which there were many light lights. Recalling this incident, people said that this ship slowly passed over Phoenix. People had linked it to an alien ship. However, the government described the incident as a military training mission.


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