If you want to get glowing and shining skin then follow these tips, even dull skin will glow.

Lifestyle News Desk,People dream of having healthy, clean and glowing skin. But, dermatologists say that for healthy skin, people have to take care of many things which make the skin healthy from inside and outside and prevent skin related problems from increasing.

External factors affecting skin health
Our skin comes in contact with many external things daily which can harm our skin or make the skin healthy. For example, environmental factors such as UV radiation, pollution or climatic conditions can have a good or bad effect on your skin. In such a situation, it becomes necessary to protect your skin from these external factors. You can take these measures to protect your skin from environmental conditions-

Avoid going to strong sunlight or polluted places.
Dress appropriately, wear sunglasses and a hat before going out in the sun. Similarly, cover the head and face with a scarf, scarf or gamcha.
Wear comfortable and skin-friendly clothes. Wearing clothes made of cotton, muslin and other natural threads reduces the risk of skin allergies.
Follow the correct and personalized skin care routine as per the skin.
Don't forget to clean the skin. This will clear the dirt accumulated in the pores of the skin and the skin will also be able to breathe.
Apply moisturizer. This will provide nourishment to the skin.

Choose the right product for skin exfoliation. This removes dead skin cells and makes the skin soft. It also brings glow to the skin.
wear sunscreen. It protects the skin from sunlight and UV radiation.
Ways to make skin healthy from within
Apart from external factors, there are many things which work to make the skin healthy from inside.

Skin can be kept healthy by getting adequate nutrition. Nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin E and Vitamin C, Zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids nourish the skin. Due to which skin health improves. For a balanced diet, eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats. This repairs the skin and brings glow to the skin.

maintain lifestyle

Get good sleep every day. Your skin naturally repairs itself while you sleep, leaving it looking fresh and youthful.
Avoid stress because due to stress the skin starts looking tired and old before time.
Exercise daily, it increases blood circulation in the skin and brings glow to the skin.

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