Pomegranate peel can be used for skin care

Life Style: After some time the skin needs good care. Especially as women approach their 30s, they should improve their skin care routine. A good skin care regimen includes a variety of products. However, if your budget is small, there are a few things you should include in the kit. Additionally, you can stick to your budget by using some home remedies. Eating pomegranate seeds is good for health and you can also use its peel. Pomegranate peel will help in enhancing the glow of your face. Expertise-

To apply pomegranate peel, first take pomegranate peel and wash it thoroughly. Then strain in a colander to remove all the water. Then spread the peel on a cotton cloth and let it dry thoroughly. They dry it in the sun. If they dry completely they will become hard. Then put it in a blender and grind it to make a powder. Now you can use this powder in home remedies.

Add cheese. – Mix one spoon powder in one and a half spoon cottage cheese. Mix well and apply on face. After leaving it for 10 minutes, wet your hands and then massage your face and remove it.

Mix with oats. You can mix it with oats to cleanse your face. To do this, mix oat powder, pomegranate peel powder, honey and milk. Then apply it on your face and scrub. This is a great way to remove dead skin and remove blemishes.

Mix with rose water. You can also mix pomegranate peel with rose water for a face mask.

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