Chinese garlic: These are the disadvantages of eating Chinese garlic, this is how to identify Indian and Chinese garlic.

Chinese garlic is being sold indiscriminately in many places including UP. Consuming it causes many harms to health. Eating Chinese garlic can cause stomach pain, swelling and intestinal problems. Because Chinese garlic contains high amount of fructose. This may cause stomach problems.

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According to an article published on a news website, the Indian government had banned Chinese garlic in 2014. At that time, fungus and infection were found in large quantities in the garlic imported from China.

To prevent Chinese garlic from spoiling for several months, it is coated with a fungicide containing methyl bromide. Not only this, this garlic is bleached using harmful chlorine. So that Chinese garlic can look beautiful and attractive.

This is how to identify Indian and Chinese garlic (Identification of Chinese Garlic)

Indian garlic is completely white in color whereas Chinese garlic also has pink color in between. The smell of Indian garlic is strong and pungent whereas the smell of Chinese garlic is mild.

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