If you are tired of eating the same type of breakfast then try Palak Paratha, you will get both taste and healthy together.

Recipe News Desk!!! We eat paranthas made of potato, cabbage, radish, fenugreek and onion every day. It is definitely delicious but sometimes we get bored of eating it again and again. So today we have brought such a tasty and healthy parantha for you, which everyone will ask you to make every day after eating it. Yes, we are talking about Palak Parantha. Spinach is rich in nutrients. In such a situation, its parathas will be both tasty and healthy. Now let us know its recipe here –



  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Chopped Spinach – 2 cups
  • Ginger chopped – 1/2 tsp
  • Garlic – 3 cloves
  • Green coriander leaves – 2 tbsp
  • Green chilli – 1-2
  • Oil – 3-4 spoons
  • Salt – as per taste



  • First of all, wash the spinach and break its stalks. – After this chop the spinach finely.
  • Then finely chop green chilli, ginger, garlic and coriander.
  • Now grind green chilli, garlic, green coriander and ginger in a mixer jar and make a paste.
  • After this, sift the flour in a vessel. If you want, you can also grind spinach and make its puree.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the flour and mix well.
  • Add finely chopped spinach and ginger-garlic-green coriander paste to it and mix well.
  • After adding 1 spoon of oil in the mixture, knead the paratha dough by adding water little by little.
  • After this, keep the dough aside for 15-20 minutes to set.
  • After the stipulated time, take the dough and knead it once again.
  • After this, heat a non-stick pan/griddle on medium flame.
  • During this time, make balls of equal quantity of dough. – Take a dough and roll it into a round or triangular shape like a paratha.
  • When the pan becomes hot, pour some oil on it and spread it all around and fry the parathas.
  • Fry the paratha alternately from both the sides until it becomes crisp.
  • After this, take out the paratha in a plate. Similarly, make parathas from all the batter and fry them.

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