You can easily start this business with just ₹ 5000, you will earn lakhs…

New Delhi. In most homes in the country, the morning starts with tea. Its name itself creates a craving to drink tea. Tea is also an example of social harmony, because whether poor or rich, everyone is in need of tea. There is demand for tea not only in India but also abroad. In such a situation, tea leaf business idea can make you rich. Through tea leaf business, you can earn a lot right from home. The special thing is that a lot of money is not required to start this business. This business can be started with an investment of only Rs 5,000. Tea leaf business can be done in many ways. Tea leaf business can be done in many ways.

You can sell loose tea in the market or you can also do business of tea leaves at retail and wholesale rates. Apart from this, you can take franchise from many big companies to sell tea. Franchise for selling loose tea leaves is available at very low cost. Attractive commission is available on its sale. Apart from this, one option can be door to door sales. You can sell loose tea leaves by packing them properly.

Good tea leaves from Assam and Darjeeling are easily available at wholesale price for Rs 140 to 180 per kg. You can sell it in the local market at the rate of Rs 200 to 300 per kg. Starting with just Rs 5000, you can easily earn up to Rs 20,000 every month from this business. If you want to brand your business, then for this you will have to register the company.

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