Prostate Cancer: People under 50 are also becoming victims of this cancer, this is the reason for increasing cases in India.

New Delhi : Lakhs of people are dying every year due to cancer. Health experts have been raising concerns about the increasing risk of prostate cancer in men. Experts have expressed concern that cases of prostate cancer are increasing even among men under 50 years of age in India. Every year a large number of people are dying due to this. The risk of this cancer has increased further due to lifestyle and dietary disturbances.

Experts said that if this disease is identified early, it can be treated effectively. Prostate cancer cases often grow slowly, so it is detected only when the cancer has grown significantly.

September is celebrated as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness about prostate cancer, the most common disease affecting men worldwide.

This cancer, which develops in the prostate gland, usually affects older people. However, in the last few years, its risk is increasing even among younger people. Its cases are also increasing aggressively among young men in India. There has been a significant increase in cases of prostate cancer in the age group below 50 years.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) data, about 37,948 Indian men were diagnosed with prostate cancer in the year 2022. This is about three percent of the 14 lakh new cancer cases recorded in the country this year.

Dr. Ashish Gupta, head of the 'Medical Oncology' department at a Delhi-based hospital, said regarding the increasing cases of prostate cancer among Indian men, early detection can increase the survival rate of cancer patients. The biggest problem in India is its late detection.

In America, 80 percent of prostate cancer patients are diagnosed early, whereas here the cases of late diagnosis are only 20 percent. There is a need for special improvement in this direction in India.

Prostate cancer is caused by the rapid growth of cells in the prostate gland, an important gland for the male reproductive system. It is the most common cancer in men and the second leading cause of cancer death in the United States.

Some changes in DNA are considered to be the main cause of this cancer. The risk of developing prostate cancer is seen to be higher in people whose family has had this problem before. Lifestyle disturbances and obesity can also be a risk factor. The biggest concern of doctors is that this cancer is not diagnosed in time.

Disclaimer: All articles published in Health and Fitness category are prepared on the basis of conversations with doctors, experts and academic institutions. The facts and information mentioned in the article have been checked and verified by professional journalists. All instructions have been followed while preparing this article. The related article has been prepared to increase the information and awareness of the reader. Neither makes any claims nor takes any responsibility regarding the information and information provided. Consult your doctor for more details about the related disease mentioned in the above article.

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