Take special care of these things while shopping online with credit card, otherwise all your hard earned money will be lost in one go.
Tech News Desk – Nowadays cases of cyber crime are increasing rapidly. Every day such cases come to light in which someone is digitally arrested and someone's personal information is stolen and money is withdrawn from his account. In such a situation, it has become very important to be careful while shopping online. Even a small mistake can cost you dearly and your hard-earned money will reach cyber criminals in no time. Today we know what things should be kept in mind while shopping online with credit card.
Shop only from trusted sites
Always shop from trusted sites only. Nowadays, cyber fraudsters are also cheating people through sites with similar names to keep people confused. In such a situation, always make sure that you are shopping from the genuine website only.
If you don't know, do research
If you are shopping from a website for the first time, then definitely do research about it. Go to the internet and read its reviews. If any website has got many negative reviews then avoid shopping from it. By doing this you will be saved from falling into the trap of cyber fraudsters.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication
Many online retailers offer two-factor authentication. This is very important. Apart from the password, you get another way to secure your account. In such a situation, even if someone knows your password, he will not be able to access your account without the verification code received in the message or mail.
Use virtual or disposable credit cards
Many financial institutions offer virtual or disposable credit cards. These are temporary card numbers, which are linked to your credit card account, but they expire after the transaction. In such a situation, no fraudster will be able to access your real account.
Keep an eye on your account
Keep an eye on your account and keep checking it at regular intervals. This will give you information about any illegal transaction and you will be able to take necessary steps. As soon as you notice any suspicious activity related to your account, immediately inform the bank.
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