Add this magical thing to marigold plants daily, flowers will bloom in abundance

Plant Care

Plant Care: Most of the people are fond of planting different types of plants at home. Generally people are very fond of planting plants with colorful flowers.

Planting flowering plants is very easy but taking care of them is a bit difficult. There are some plants which do not require much care, one of these plants is the marigold plant.

marigold flowers

A pot of yellow, orange and maroon marigold flowers looks very beautiful in the house. This flower attracts people not only by its beauty but also by its usefulness. Marigold flowers are not only used in worship, they are also extremely beneficial for skin and hair. Taking care of these plants is also very easy. But still many times it happens that despite taking care, the plant does not grow well and withers. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some easy tips, with the help of which you can take good care of your marigold plant.

rice water

Rice water can be an effective solution to bloom hundreds of beautiful flowers in marigold plants. It works like a type of homemade spray that provides essential nutrients to the plants. It can also help in increasing their growth. Rice water proves to be very beneficial especially for the withered marigold plant. But it is very important to use it properly. Because adding rice water in the wrong way can cause harm. Therefore, it is important to know the correct method of adding rice water to marigold plants, so that you can provide maximum benefits to your plants.

How to use rice water

When you wash rice before making it, you can collect its water instead of throwing it away. Before pouring this water into the marigold plant, remove the weeds around the plant. After this, hoe the soil near the roots thoroughly, so that when water is poured, it can get absorbed well inside the soil.

Now take rice water in a glass and pour it into the soil of the marigold plant. You can repeat this process every day after washing rice. But keep in mind not to add too much water, as this can increase the risk of root rot. With this simple solution you can provide better nutrition to your marigold plants and also improve their growth.


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