Are your parents over 50? So start these 6 powerful yoga asanas immediately, you will get the blessing of long life | News India – ..

After the age of 50, many changes start happening in the body. Muscles start becoming weak, joints start aching and sometimes one also feels tired. But no need to worry, yoga can help keep your parents healthy even at this age.

benefits of yoga

  • Reduces joint pain: Many yoga asanas increase flexibility in joints and reduce pain.
  • Muscles become stronger: Regular practice of yoga strengthens muscles and improves balance.
  • Reduces stress: Yoga helps in reducing stress and improving mental health.
  • Improves digestive system: Yoga helps in maintaining a healthy digestive system and prevents problems like constipation.

Which yoga asanas should be done after the age of 50?

1. Surya Namaskar: Surya Namaskar is an excellent yoga asana which benefits the entire body. It makes the body flexible and improves blood circulation.

2.Trikonasana: Trikonasana helps in strengthening the body and improving balance. It also helps in reducing shoulder and back pain.

3. Vrikshasana: Vrikshasana helps improve balance and concentration. It strengthens the legs and core muscles.

4. Bhujangasana: Bhujangasana helps in making the lower back strong and flexible. It also improves the digestive system.

5. Shavasana: Shavasana is the best way to relax the body and reduce stress.

6. Padahastasana: Padahastasana helps in reducing back pain and increasing flexibility.

How to do yoga?

  • Learn from a yoga teacher: In the beginning it is better to learn from a yoga teacher so that the asanas can be performed correctly.
  • Note: While doing yoga, pay attention to your body and stop doing the asana if you feel any kind of pain.
  • Do daily: To get maximum benefits from yoga, do it daily.
  • Consult a doctor: If you are suffering from any disease, consult a doctor before starting yoga.

Yoga is a great way to live a healthy life even after the age of 50. It not only improves physical health but also improves mental health. Therefore, inspire your parents to do yoga today itself.

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