Chew 5 Neem leaves every morning on an empty stomach, these major diseases will go away…

There is a saying 'Health is wealth', in such a situation we should always take care of our health. Because when our health is bad, we do not feel like doing any work.

chew neem leaves
Many types of measures have been suggested in Ayurveda to maintain our health. One of which is Neem leaves. Which, despite being bitter, provides many benefits to the body.

Benefits of eating neem leaves on an empty stomach
The same if you chew neem leaves on an empty stomach in the morning. So it protects us from many major diseases. In such a situation, we should start consuming it from today itself.

benefit in diabetes
If you chew stale neem leaves every morning. So this keeps the blood sugar level under control. According to experts, an element called azadirachtin is helpful in this.

clean blood
Apart from this, chewing neem leaves daily on an empty stomach purifies our blood. It purifies the blood by removing toxins from the blood.

Stomach diseases will go away
Neem leaves also have the properties to cure stomach related diseases like acidity, constipation, bloating etc. Apart from chewing, you can also boil these leaves and drink its water.

help with fever
Consuming Neem leaves on an empty stomach also protects us from many types of seasonal fevers like chikungunya, dengue, malaria etc.

help in losing weight
Drinking Neem leaves and its extract on an empty stomach also helps in controlling weight. In such a situation, it is also helpful in weight control.

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