China's new nuclear submarine sinks in the sea, US makes fun of it

China, which is trying to increase its power in the sea to compete with the US Navy, has suffered a major setback. One of its new nuclear submarines sank during construction. According to reports, this accident happened with China at Wuchang Shipyard near Wuhan about two months ago. America has also confirmed this incident. At the same time, America is also enjoying China. The American official said that this is a matter of shame for Beijing. Let us tell you that China currently has the largest navy in the world. He has about 370 warships. Apart from this, he is rapidly busy building nuclear submarines.

A US defense official said China's first-class nuclear submarine sank in May or June. However, the spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Washington refused to comment on this matter. He said that no information has been received in this matter. The American official also did not tell why the submarine sank.

China's system is plagued with corruption. At such a time, such a big mistake raises questions on PLA also. It is clear that China will try to hide such a big mistake. He would never want this to be leaked. However, in the satellite photos of Planet Labs, it can be seen that Klein is standing at the Wuchang Shipyard. That nuclear submarine was also docked at this shipyard.

China aims to include 65 submarines in its army by 2025 and 80 by 2035. According to the information, there was no fuel present in the submarine. Experts say that this accident happened due to China's haste. According to the report of Wall Street Journal, it may take several months to remove this submarine. This is the Type 041 nuclear submarine. Final fitting was being done in it.

American officials say that Tom Shugart, associated with the American think tank, was the first to know about this. He has been a Submarine Warfare officer in America. Experts say that if the submarine sinks completely, all the electronic equipment will get damaged. China wants to defeat America soon. In this haste, a big accident happened.

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