Do not make these big mistakes in your relationship, tension will increase in the relationship.

Lifestyle News Desk,No relationship is perfect. Every relationship has some shortcomings, but we adopt them wholeheartedly. To make any relationship work, it is important to have respect and love in your partner's relationship. Many times we create a rift in the relationship due to some of our mistakes. Everyone has many expectations from their partner. So let us know what couples want from their partners.

personal space
Personal space is very important in any relationship. Even if two people love each other very much and share everything, they still want personal space in their lives. This does not mean at all that giving personal space will create distance in the relationship, rather it makes the relationship even stronger.

It is not necessary to share everything
For a healthy relationship, as important as it is to share things with each other, it is equally important to take care of each other's privacy. It is not necessary that you share everything with your partner. The nature of many people is such that they are not comfortable sharing everything. We should respect his decision.

password sharing
To strengthen the relationship, it is not necessary to share passwords of mobile and social media. If you trust your partner then do not ask him for mobile or social media passwords.

Personal decision
It is not necessary that you do everything after asking your partner or you should ask your partner before taking any decision. One should also have the right to take personal decisions in the relationship.

It is common for a couple to disagree on a decision. It is not necessary to accept each other's point of view on everything. With this you will be able to express your feelings to your partner.

accept partner's friend
Your partner's friends can be either a boy or a girl. You should accept it. Trust and openness of thoughts are very important in a relationship.

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