Damaged lungs? Know how lung transplants transform lives of Fibrosis patients

New Delhi: Lung fibrosis is a progressive condition that can be life-threatening while restricting the lungs’ ability to perform their regular functions. According to some studies, lung fibrosis makes up to 15 per cent of the pulmonary physician practice. While the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) estimates that the cases of COPD stand at 5 per cent in Indian men. Hence, lung transplantation offers hope for patients suffering from this debilitating condition.

Dr Samir Garde, Director of Dept of Pulmonology and Lung Transplant, Gleneagles Hospital, Parel told News9“Lung fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic lung disease where the tissues in the lungs become thickened resulting in scarring. This scarring in the lungs can make it challenging for the oxygen to reach your blood. One may need to make extensive efforts to breathe resulting in experiencing shortness of breath. It is a progressive disease meaning it worsens over time affecting one’s quality of life. Multiple factors can contribute to the development of this lung disease.”

In some cases, it can occur in infants and children but it is not that common. The lung damage caused by this condition is irreversible but the symptoms can be mitigated with the help of certain medications and AntiFibrotics prescribed by the doctor.

Symptoms of Lung fibrosis

Symptoms of lung fibrosis are often overlooked making it difficult to detect at its initial stage. One can experience symptoms like a persistent cough, shortness of breath, even with minimal exertion, chest pain, fatigue, weight loss, discolouration of the lips or nails, frequent respiratory infections, hoarseness of the voice, and rapid heartbeat. The severity of these symptoms can vary from person to person depending on their condition. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms for more than a few days then immediately consult a doctor and seek medical attention.

What causes lung fibrosis?

According to Dr Garde, “The primary cause of pulmonary fibrosis is unknown. Several factors can potentially trigger the early onset of this condition. This includes factors such as breathing harmful or chemical substances like asbestos, silica, or coal dust, working in mining, factories, or construction sites, autoimmune diseases, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, smoking, anti-inflammatory medications, and genetics.”

Diagnosis of lung fibrosis

“If you are experiencing symptoms associated with lung fibrosis then it is crucial to consult a doctor for timely intervention. Your chest physician (pulmonologist) may evaluate your condition and prescribe certain diagnostic tests for better results. He/she may ask you about your lifestyle factors like do you work in factories or construction sites, history of autoimmune conditions, and smoking habits to look for anything that can harm your lungs. They may also recommend some tests such as blood tests, X-rays, CT scans, lung functioning tests, bronchoscopy (your lungs are examined to look for any damage or scarring), and lung biopsy,” said Dr Garde.

The need for lung transplant in lung fibrosis

As this condition progresses, the damage caused to the lungs starts to become irreversible. A Lung transplant is a procedure that is performed to replace a dysfunctional lung with a functional one. Dr Garde further explained, “Lung transplantation ignites for the patients suffering from lung fibrosis. This is because in some cases the scarring is so severe that lungs are unable to provide enough oxygen to the body. In this surgical procedure, the damaged lungs are replaced with healthy and well-functioning lungs from the donor. Lung transplantation is thoroughly considered by doctors when other treatment like therapies and medications starts to fail.”

“It significantly improves the patient’s quality of life while alleviating the symptoms experienced. The patients are then able to perform normal lung functions like breathing or engaging in physical activities or exercises that were previously impossible and enjoy life as they have always wanted to. Lung transplant is a hope for patients when it comes to improving their survival. Timely transplant is known to save lives”

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