What will be the departure of Mata Durga in Shardiya Navratri, know its meaning also

Shardiya Navratri 2024: As, only a few days are left for the beginning of Shardiya Navratri, the devotees of Mata Durga have made preparations. This time in the year 2024, Mata Durga is going to come riding on a palanquin, so it is starting from 3rd October. Which will end on 12th October i.e. on the day of Dussehra. You have known about the arrival of Mata Durga, but do you know about the departure of Mata and what will be its meaning, let us know in this article.

mother’s departure ride

The journey of departure of Mata Durga is decided according to the day or Vaar which will end on Saturday i.e. 12th October. Since it is Saturday, the procession of Mata Durga’s departure will be staged by a rooster, which does not bode well at all. It is said that when Goddess Durga departs riding on a chicken, it is considered an inauspicious sign. It is also considered a symbol of mourning or suffering. The signs of this ride also indicate that there is going to be a bad impact on the country and the world or there will be an increase in fights. Partial epidemic will spread, incidence of natural disasters will reduce more, political ups and downs are also expressed.

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The verse is about riding

Along with this departure ride, the verse for the vehicle of Mata Durga is also prevalent in which Shashi Surya Dine Yadhi Sa Vijaya Mahishagamne Ruj Shokkara,

If she is victorious on Saturday and Sunday, she is disabled.

On Wednesday, Friday, if it is Vijaya Gajavahan Ga Auspicious Rain

If she is victorious over the kings of the gods and the carrier of men bestow on her auspicious happiness

Rides and signs of arrival of Mata Durga

If we understand here, the vehicle for the arrival of Mata Durga will be a palanquin since it is Thursday, that is, Mata Durga will come riding on a palanquin. The sign of this ride indicates that it may lead to decline in the economy, recession in business, violence, increase in epidemics in the country and the world and unnatural events. The ride of Mata Durga changes every year according to the season which gives some indication. It can be inauspicious or auspicious.

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