Drinking beetroot-amla juice daily will reduce obesity and increase facial glow | News India

Carrots and beetroot are powerhouses of nutrients. By drinking their juice many problems of the body go away. This juice strengthens digestive power and increases immunity.

Drinking beetroot-amla juice daily will reduce obesity and increase facial glow.

Beetroot and gooseberry juice is very beneficial. Many problems of the body can be cured by this. Actually, both beetroot and amla are rich in many nutrients.

Beetroot and gooseberry juice is very beneficial. Many problems of the body can be cured by this. Actually, both beetroot and amla are rich in many nutrients.

Beetroot and amla are rich in vitamin C, which is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. Consuming this makes the face younger

Beetroot and amla are rich in vitamin C, which is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants. Consuming this makes the face younger

Beetroot contains a pigment called betalain, which reduces facial swelling and removes blemishes. Moreover, Vitamin C protects the damaged skin by reducing hyperpigmentation and brings glow and beauty to the face.

Beetroot contains a pigment called betalain, which reduces facial swelling and removes blemishes. Moreover, Vitamin C protects the damaged skin by reducing hyperpigmentation and brings glow and beauty to the face.

Due to the strong immunity of the body, diseases remain away. To avoid cold and cough during winter season, mix beetroot and gooseberry juice with carrot and drink it on an empty stomach.

Due to the strong immunity of the body, diseases remain away. To avoid cold and cough during winter season, mix beetroot and gooseberry juice with carrot and drink it on an empty stomach.

If you are suffering from digestive problems like indigestion, constipation and gas then drinking beetroot and amla juice can be beneficial. Drinking it mixed with carrots gives double the benefits. It strengthens the digestive system.

If you are suffering from digestive problems like indigestion, constipation and gas then drinking beetroot and amla juice can be beneficial. Drinking it mixed with carrots gives double the benefits. It strengthens the digestive system.

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