Eating false food along with love increases the risk of disease, know the reason: Health Update

Health Update: It is said that eating each other's food increases love, and this is commonly seen in families when people share food from the same plate. However, eating Jutha increases love, but it also increases the risk of many diseases. Health experts believe that eating someone's food can have serious negative health effects, such as infection and the spread of bacteria. Therefore, it is advised to avoid eating food from the same plate. Let us know what harm can be caused by eating Jutha.

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Sharing food from the same plate increases the risk of spreading infection, especially if the person is infected with a disease. Illnesses such as cold, flu, or gastrointestinal diseases can easily be spread by eating from the same utensils. In such cases, eating the feces of an infected person can be dangerous. Therefore, one should avoid eating food from the same plate with a sick person to reduce the risk of infection.

When you eat food from someone else's plate, you do not know how clean that plate is or how cleanly the person serving the food is using the utensils. In this situation, bacteria or viruses can enter the food, which can enter your stomach and cause digestive problems. Lack of hygiene can cause germs to enter your body, causing gas, indigestion, or other stomach ailments.

When you eat food from someone else's plate, you do not get the right amount of nutrients. This happens because you are not able to get complete nutrition from your food, due to which the body may lack essential nutrients. As a result, the body does not get the nutrition it needs, which can have negative effects on health.

Eating someone else's food can increase the risk of allergies. Sharing plates poses a risk of cross contamination, which can lead to allergic reactions or other health problems. If the other person is allergic to any food, then eating his/her food can affect you too and increases the chances of falling ill. There is also a risk of mouth ulcers, hence, to avoid allergies, it is better to avoid eating someone's tongue.

To avoid eating junk food, some important things should be kept in mind. First of all, wash your hands thoroughly before eating and avoid serving food with bare hands. If someone is allergic to any particular food, then definitely tell him about it. As much as possible, avoid eating junk food, because it can have a negative impact on health and increase the risk of diseases. By adopting these precautions you can take steps towards better health.

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