How many glasses of water should one drink daily in cold weather, carelessness can have a bad effect on health…

50 to 70 percent of our body is made up of water. However, this percentage may vary depending on the person's age, gender, weight, and body type. Generally people drink less water during winter season. One does not feel thirsty due to cold winds. Generally people think that the problem of lack of water in the body occurs only during the summer season, however, this is completely wrong. Whether the season is summer or winter, it is very important for all people to consume the required amount of water or fluids every day. Because lack of water in the body can occur in any season. Due to this, sometimes it can cause some serious problems and conditions in the body. Experts and doctors all say and it has been confirmed in many researches that lack of water or dehydration in the body is not only a bad thing. Not only can it increase the risk of diseases, it can also sometimes increase the risk of both common and serious diseases. Therefore, it is important for us to pay more attention to water intake than food intake during cold weather…

How many glasses of water should a person drink in winter? Make a habit of drinking adequate amount of water from morning till night in winter. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water a day even if you don't feel thirsty during winter. Health experts say that men who are physically active should drink 10 to 14 glasses of water a day. At the same time, women should drink 8 to 12 glasses of water. Apart from this, you can also drink juice, milk, tea and coconut water instead of water. Doctors say that this does not cause shortage of water in the body and does not cause many health problems.

According to the report published on the website of the National Library of Medicine and Center for Disease Control and Prevention, these health problems are caused by drinking less water in winter. Obesity is a problem. Drinking less water increases the risk of obesity. Depending on how much food we eat in a day, we should drink as much water as our body requires. Otherwise the eaten food is not digested. This increases obesity. Drinking less water can cause problems like dry throat and mouth. Due to this, bacteria also accumulate in the mouth and bad smell also comes from the mouth. Additionally, when the body is dehydrated, sweating and urination reduce. Due to this, toxic substances are not able to come out from the body and this creates more health problems. Drinking less water increases the problem of headache.

Actually, this problem occurs due to temporary shrinkage of brain cells due to lack of water. Due to lack of water in the body, acid formation in the stomach increases. This causes gas to form in the stomach and can cause problems like constipation, heartburn, fatigue, dry skin. Water is necessary for the body to function actively. If there is lack of water in the body, you may feel tired even after doing a little work. Due to lack of water in the body, problems like dryness, dark circles, itching and wrinkles start occurring in the skin. Symptoms of Dehydration: Doctors say that although the symptoms of lack of water in the body are almost the same at every age, but with age, Sometimes some symptoms may also be different depending on the condition. Especially in small children, due to lack of water, symptoms like dryness in the mouth and tongue, reduction in tears when crying and less urination can also be seen.

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