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Sweating is a normal thing in hot and humid weather, but sometimes this sweating can cause rashes on our skin. of sweat The rashes caused, also called heat rash or pityriasis, can be very uncomfortable and include itching, burning, and red spots. If you are also facing this problem, then here are some solutions which can give you relief.

1. Keep skin clean

It is very important to keep the skin clean regularly during the summer and sweat season. Use mild soap while bathing and then wipe your body thoroughly. This will remove sweat and dirt accumulated on the skin, which will reduce the chances of rashes.

2. Use alcohol-free toner

Use an alcohol-free toner to refresh your skin. This will maintain skin moisture and reduce the problem of rashes. It will also clean the pores.


3. Wear the right clothes

Wear light and soft clothes in summer. Choose cotton or linen clothes instead of synthetic clothes, which help in absorbing sweat and allowing air to pass through. This will give the skin a chance to breathe.

4. Use a cooling gel or lotion

If the rashes are severe, you can use cooling gel or lotion. These contain aloe vera or cooling agents that reduce itching and burning.

5. Consult a doctor

If home remedies do not provide relief, consult a dermatologist. He can suggest appropriate medicine or cream so that the rashes heal quickly.

6. Stay hydrated

Drink as much water as possible and eat fruits. This will not only provide moisture to your skin but will also reduce sweating.

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