I masturbate due to emotional breakdowns, am I doing something wrong?

I have phimosis, which ointment should I use?

Question: I am 18 years old and suffering from phimosis problem. Have tried all the stretching exercises shown on the internet for this type of problem. But if there is no improvement in the condition then which ointment should be used according to my age. Does it have any side effects? Answer: I suggest you to consult a good sexologist or andrologist before taking any information online. Only then will you get the real treat. Because an expert can tell what kind of ointment you need just by looking at your condition. Or you will have to undergo surgery.

It's okay to masturbate if you have emotional weakness

Question: A few days ago my feelings were hurt and I am very emotionally weak. In such situations, I resort to masturbation to divert my attention. Does this habit harm my health? Answer: It's okay to masturbate sometimes if you want to help yourself but don't let it become a habit. If you want, share your feelings and problems with a trusted person. This will reduce your depression a little. If possible, seek help from a counselor. Keep yourself busy with your favorite hobby or hang out with friends and do yoga and meditation in your free time.

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