If you want to be fit before Diwali, then start these 5 fat burn exercises from today itself: Fat Burn Exercise

Fat Burn Exercise: Diwali is the favorite festival of all of us. On this occasion, we all want to see everything perfect and attractive. Be it decoration, sweets or body. Yes, there is about a month left for Diwali. That means we can make our body fit and slim in 30 days. Everyone wants to look beautiful on Diwali, in such a situation heavy belly and bra bulges can spoil your personality. If you also want to lose some extra kilograms for Diwali celebrations, then you can make these 5 fun exercises a part of your routine. These exercises are not only effective but also very easy. So let's know about it.

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HIIT exercises

Fat Burn Exercise-Do this exercise to stay fit
HIIT exercises

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) exercises are considered ideal for burning calories fast. Exercises like jumping jacks, burpees and high knees can be included in this program. These exercises can increase metabolism and help in weight loss. We should set aside at least 20 to 30 minutes a week for high intensity interval training. Do not do this exercise for too long, it may cause sprain in legs and waist.

walking lunges

Walking lunges are a great way to strengthen your glutes and legs. This exercise also improves balance and coordination. This exercise is like normal lunges, only in this you will have to walk instead of standing at one place. It can be very helpful in burning calories and fat. Do 3 sets of 10-15 lunges per day.

planck variation

Planks are a great way to strengthen your core while burning calories. To do this exercise, start from forearm plank posture and take the body in a straight line. Remain in this position for 30 to 60 seconds. To make the exercise fun, you can also try plank shoulder tap or side plank. Do this 3-4 times a week.

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jump rope

Do these exercises to stay fitDo these exercises to stay fit
jump rope

You all must have jumped rope in your childhood. This is an effective cardio activity that can burn calories quickly. It works on your entire body. By doing this the heart becomes stronger and the body becomes flexible. If you want to lose 5 kg by Diwali, then set a target of jumping rope for 15-20 minutes every day. As your fitness increases, you can increase its time.

mountain climber

This is the only exercise that works on your entire body. This affects the hands, legs, back and core. To do this, first of all you come into plank position. Then try to reach your little one from the knee. Run with both legs alternately. This workout can help in reducing fat along with improving metabolism. Do this exercise in three sets of 30 seconds three to four times a week.

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