Vaginal Infection and Ph Level

To maintain the level of vagina, adopt these methods

Often our attention does not go to this. If we look properly, we will know that the scale used to check pH runs from zero to 14 counts.

Vaginal Infection and Ph Level: If vaginal health is not good then we often associate it with sexual health. Women start feeling that this problem is definitely due to some sexually transmitted infection. But sometimes this problem also occurs due to disturbance in the vaginal pH level. But often our attention does not go to this. If we look carefully, we will know that the scale used to check pH runs from zero to 14 counts. If the pH is less than 7 then it is considered acidic. If it is more than 7 then it is considered alkaline. Similarly, the pH of a healthy vagina is between 3.8 to 4.5 for a woman aged 16 to 48 years during her fertile days.

On the other hand, if we look at the time after puberty and menopause, then it is around 4.5.

Risk of sexually transmitted infections.

Problem of bacterial infection.

Problem of fungal infection.

Burning sensation, rash or discomfort.

Not being able to have a physical relationship.

Foul smelling discharge from the vagina.

Pain persists in the vagina as well as in the internal parts.

Do not use vaginal cleaning products available in the market. To make them attractive, aromatic substances are added to it. By using them, women do not get any benefit but suffer a lot of harm. These products disturb the vaginal pH level. Therefore do not use them. After urinating, clean it with clean water and tissue, this way its pH will also be maintained.

Many times women like to use fancy undergarments. But this type of undergarments are not comfortable. To maintain good vaginal health, wear cotton panties and change them once or twice if necessary.

To maintain good vaginal pH, consume curd, buttermilk, bananas etc.

To maintain the pH of the vagina, keep your body hydrated, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

If you use a menstrual cup, keep changing it from time to time even if the period flow is less.

Make sure to use condom while being intimate.

After passing urine, clean your vagina thoroughly with water and absorb the wetness with a tissue.

Do not wear too tight clothes.

Keep changing your inner clothes from time to time, and also use cotton clothes as much as possible.

To ensure that the pH level of the vagina does not deteriorate, take utmost care of cleanliness. Remaining wet around the vagina also increases the risk of bacterial infection. Take special care to wear clean clothes and maintain cleanliness around the vaginal area.

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