Manish Sisodia announced: AAP will not take part in the MCD Standing Committee elections today.

New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party will not take part in the Standing Committee elections of Delhi Municipal Corporation to be held today. Manish Sisodia has announced that the Mayor has adjourned the House till October 5, so nothing happens today.

MCD Mayor Shelly Oberoi said, 'I have written a letter to the MCD Commissioner that the elections to be held today are unconstitutional and illegal.'

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Manish Sisodia said, “BJP is doing a new act of murdering the Constitution. Yesterday, Mayor Shaili Oberoi kept trying to conduct the elections of the Standing Committee of Delhi Municipal Corporation. But the elections could not be held, so the mayor fixed the next date for the elections. Which are legally under the jurisdiction of the Mayor. But the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi tried to hold elections under the chairmanship of Additional Commissioner at night. This is the most dangerous. MCD is an elected body. It is a house of chosen people. Its election will be presided over by the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or Senior Councillor. The officer cannot preside over the election. This is a violation of the rules of the Constitution.”

Commissioner is working on the instructions of LG

Manish Sisodia said, 'MCD Commissioner has ordered that the Additional Commissioner of MCD will be the presiding officer of the Standing Committee elections. MCD Commissioner is doing this on the instructions of LG and LG is doing this on the instructions of BJP. How can a bureaucrat organize a meeting of elected members of MCD? Can a secretary level bureaucrat preside over a parliamentary meeting?

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Delhi LG VK Saxena, in an order late on Thursday night, asked the Delhi Municipal Corporation Commissioner to hold elections on a vacant seat on the corporation's standing committee on Friday. After this, a round of allegations and counter-allegations has started between BJP and Aam Aadmi Party.

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