Meghan Trainor: Turning 30 made me more self-focused than ever

On December 22, 2023, Meghan Trainor became thirty years old.

She’s thinking back on how this significant life event has affected her perspective.

The vocalist, who gained popularity with her single “All About That Bass,” feels more “untouchable” than ever as she starts to give less thought to what other people think of her.

In a recent interview, Trainor told USA Today that as she’s gotten older, she’s learned to value her own health and true life more than the unfavorable stories that surface online.

She said, “I think it’s true that you start to care less about what people think when you get to your 30s.” “Instead of what people say about me online, I’m concentrating more on who I am and my real life.”

Despite her achievements, Trainor is candid about her ongoing struggles with self-acceptance, especially after becoming a mother to two daughters with her husband, Daryl Sabara. “After having my babies, I still deal with self-love issues regarding my body,” she admitted.

“I try to write songs that resonate with everyone, and I see that reflected in my audience, which includes people of all ages.”

Trainor emphasized the teamwork required to manage her family’s lives when she tours in order to strike a balance between her career and her family.

“We cuddle with the kids before I go on stage, and we have an amazing nanny who helps Daryl give them a bath in my green room,” the actress said. Then, while I perform, Daryl and the babysitter put them to sleep on the bus.

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Trainor highlights the value of connecting with her fans and accepting oneself as she steps into a new decade, demonstrating that despite the difficulties of celebrity, personal development still remains a top focus.

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