Men taking Viagra beware! Its effect on your health also | News India – ..

Mumbai: Taking Viagra temporarily increases blood flow to the penis in men. That’s why many men use it to temporarily activate sexual potency. This pill is light blue in color and diamond shaped. Its brand name is Sidnafil Citrate. But do you know that doing so can be dangerous? The effects on the health of those who take Viagra regularly start appearing gradually.

It affects the eyesight of men who take Viagra regularly. Due to which their vision can deteriorate up to 80 percent.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia, Canada have made this claim in a recent research. Researchers claim that the drugs used in Viagra, Cialis, Levitra and Spadra can cause eye irritation. Know how Viagra affects eye problems.

Researchers say that Viagra is used to cause arousal. When a person takes Viagra, blood circulation increases rapidly and this has a direct effect on the eyes. Its effect can cause sudden loss of vision and dark spots can also appear on the eyes. Therefore, there is a need to be cautious about the regular use of Viagra.

According to the DailyMail report, scientists studied about 2 lakh people for four years to understand the dangers of Viagra. Research has shown that people who use it regularly have less risk of eye problems. These also include retina related problems.

The men in the study had a 102% increased risk of ischemic optic neuropathy. At the same time, 44 percent of men developed the problem of blood clot in the retina. Due to this their eyes start appearing red or blotchy.

Researchers have cautioned those who consume Viagra from their research. However, Viagra manufacturing company Pfizer also says that one in 100 people taking it complains of burning sensation, redness, pain and redness.

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