Men's brain starts shrinking in the evening, it takes the whole night to reset, this is the reason…

After evening, the brain starts shrinking and this happens till 08 pm. As the evening approaches, the gray matter, the most important factor of the brain, starts reducing. Due to this, you are able to relax from depression, anxiety and mood-off. It is said that the entire personality of any person depends on his It occurs in the brain. This is so miraculous that everyone can be surprised. The brain not only changes itself with time but its system itself also adapts to the conditions. As the day progresses, the brain probably gets tired and hence it shrinks itself a bit in the evening. Science has revealed these brain conditions for the first time.

The Journal of Neuroscience has published an article about this, explaining that the brain changes as the day progresses, which affects your focus or mental function as the day progresses? A study from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) sheds light on this phenomenon. Its findings are truly astonishing. In a unique effort, researchers monitored the brain of a 26-year-old man continuously for 30 days. The conclusion was that the male brain feels a pulsating rhythm throughout the day, but around 8 pm there is some reduction in this consciousness. By 8 pm, there is a significant reduction in its overall volume and cortical thickness. The brain starts shrinking in the evening and then works to reset overnight.

It continues to shrink till 08 pm i.e. the brain starts shrinking. This work starts in the evening and continues till around 8 pm. After this, when you sleep, it starts resetting again. Does the brain shrink due to hormones? Along with this amazing pattern, other things also happen in the brain. The levels of three steroid hormones – testosterone, cortisol and estradiol also increase and decrease daily. Scientists say that this brain rhythm and consciousness-like state are not limited only to men but also occur in women. Laura Pritchett, co-author of the study and postdoctoral scholar at the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania, said that women One also has to face hormonal fluctuations daily.

However, the menstrual cycle may mask these changes due to long-term changes in hormones. Gray Matter in the Brain Researchers also observed changes in the amount of gray matter, an important component of the brain involved in mental functioning, emotions and movement. The average gray matter volume declined by about 0.6 percent as evening approached. Two specific areas in the brain cortex – the occipital and parietal cortex, involved in sensory and visual processing – were found to shrink the most, adding an interesting explanation to this phenomenon. Deep changes in the brain Not only the cortex, but also deeper structures of the brain such as parts of the cerebellum, brainstem and hippocampus fluctuate throughout the day.

The affected areas are responsible for coordination of movements, information transmission and memory storage, which means that changes in these brain structures affect the functioning of everyday tasks and can also lead to the feeling of mental fatigue. Ellie Murata, co-author of the study and a doctoral student at UCSB, believes that hormones play a role in the changes in the brain, “but the study cannot say that it is the direct cause.” Expanding hormonal horizonsMurata said the study also disproves the myth that hormones are only relevant to women. Well, in scientific terms, the interaction between the physiological changes of the brain and the circadian rhythm of the body is an intensive area of ​​research in neuroscience. The circadian clock regulates a variety of bodily functions and ensures that physiological processes are consistent with the 24-hour day-night cycle. The contraction and expansion observed in brain structures throughout the day may be linked to circadian cycles. , which shows that the brain is very sensitive to external time signals.

It also affects mood. Since hormonal fluctuations and changes in brain size can affect mood, identifying individuals who exhibit abnormal patterns may help in early diagnosis and intervention for conditions such as depression or anxiety. Although these findings are certainly interesting, they come from a study conducted on a single individual, so they cannot be considered representative of the wider population. Going forward, researchers plan to investigate the various effects of sleep on the brain. The phenomenon of brain expansion and shrinkage is a complex and continuous process that is influenced by a variety of factors, including age, lifestyle, and environmental conditions. General shrinkage trends: As a person ages, the brain usually begins to shrink. This process often starts at the age of 30 or 40 and accelerates after the age of 60. The most affected areas include the frontal lobe and the hippocampus.

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