Know the danger caused by it and the ways to get rid of it – Obnews

Smoking during pregnancy is extremely dangerous for both mother and child. The harmful substances caused by smoking directly reach the child and affect their development.

Dangers of smoking during pregnancy

  • Premature baby birth: Smoking can cause premature birth of a child.
  • Underweight baby: Children of women who smoke are of lower weight than normal children.
  • Infant Death: Smoking increases the risk of infant death.
  • Developmental Problems: Smoking can delay a child's development and make it difficult for them to learn.
  • Congenital malformations: Smoking can cause congenital defects in the child.
  • Asthma: Smoking increases the risk of asthma in a child.

Ways to quit smoking during pregnancy

  • Consult a doctor: Your doctor may recommend medications or other treatments to help you quit smoking.
  • Nicotine Replacement Therapy: Smoking addiction can be reduced by using nicotine patches, gum or nasal spray.
  • Support Group: You can get inspiration from other people by joining quit smoking groups.
  • stress management: Stress can be reduced by using yoga, meditation or other stress management techniques.
  • Healthy Choice: Use healthy alternatives such as fruits, vegetables or water when you feel the urge to smoke.
  • Positive Thinking: Believe in yourself and have positive thinking.
  • Support of family and friends: Seek support from your family and friends.

Benefits of quitting smoking during pregnancy

  • A healthy pregnancy: Quitting smoking can help you enjoy a healthy pregnancy.
  • Healthy Child: Quitting smoking can help you give birth to a healthy baby.
  • Improve your own health: Quitting smoking will improve your overall health.

Remember, it is never too late to quit smoking during pregnancy.

If you're pregnant and want to quit smoking, talk to your doctor today.

For more information you can contact a health expert.

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