Spicy tamarind will become your 'true friend' in winter, it will cure high cholesterol, heart disease and constipation.

Benefits of tamarind in winter: Tamarind, which is spicy and sour in taste, is considered helpful in sweetening the voice. It is also said that the sweetness in Tansen's voice came from chewing tamarind leaves. So we can say that the qualities of this brown colored fruit are also no less. It is widely used from North India to South India. According to experts, by including it in your diet in winter, the risk of heart attack can be avoided to a great extent.

Beneficial in diabetes:
Tamarind contains abundant amounts of polyphenols, which control blood sugar in our body. It is very beneficial for diabetes, apart from this, it contains rich amount of protein, which not only helps in reducing your weight by controlling blood sugar, but also helps in strengthening the bones and muscles of gym goers. Is. Excessive sweating for hours.

Cholesterol and heart attack control
Ayurvedic expert Dr. Amit Kumar said, “Tamarind is helpful in reducing cholesterol. Generally, more cases of heart attacks are seen in winter. Consuming tamarind in winter keeps LDL low, which increases its risk.” Apart from this, tamarind contains anti-oxidants which help in preventing damage caused by free radicals and protects the body cells. “Preventing cell damage in the body is very important to prevent cancer.”

will increase immunity
Dr . Amit further says, “The antioxidants present in tamarind also help in strengthening the immune system. It boosts the body's immune system and helps fight diseases. Not only this, tamarind reduces swelling in the body. Tamarind contains flavonoids which make the body strong. It is necessary to reduce it.” Bad cholesterol “helps lower blood pressure, which reduces the risk of clogged arteries and heart attack.”

digestion will improve
Eating tamarind keeps the digestion process healthy. Dr. Amit says, “Tamarind is also helpful in improving digestion. It contains some acids which improve digestion. Consuming it also provides relief from the problem of diarrhea and stomach ache. It also helps in weight loss because it does not contain fat and it contains a good amount of fiber, which is essential for weight loss. Therefore, consumption of tamarind can help in strengthening the body tissues.

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