Syrian Muslims Celebrate Nasrallah Death: Raped and buried alive! Why are the Muslims of this Islamic country celebrating the destruction of Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah?

India News (India News), Syrian Muslims Celebrate Nasrallah Death: Muslims around the world are mourning after the news of the death of Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. But people in northwestern Syria celebrated in the streets. After his death in the Israeli airstrike, several videos went viral on social media, in which people can be seen distributing sweets, dancing and feeling relieved. The news of Nasrallah’s death has spread a wave of joy, especially among anti-Assad groups. Actually, the Syrian civil war started in 2011, when the Syrian people demanded democracy and freedom against the Assad government. This conflict gradually took a violent turn. Many other forces also got involved in this. The role of Hezbollah was very important in this.

Hezbollah supported Assad

Let us tell you that in the year 2012, Hezbollah had sent its army to Syria to support the government of Bashar al-Assad. The Assad regime belongs to the Alawite community, a branch of Shia Islam. Assad had a strategic partnership with Hezbollah. So Hezbollah fought alongside Assad’s forces against Sunni-dominated rebels. Fearful of losing their vital foothold in Syria, Iran and Hezbollah, along with Russia, provided vital support to Assad’s forces. Due to which the rebels were ultimately defeated. Hezbollah is blamed for many atrocities during the Syrian conflict. Hezbollah was accused of human rights violations during this conflict. Which includes rape of Sunni Muslim women, burying them alive, atrocities against civilians, attacks on villages and mass killings.

Hezbollah’s atrocities on Syrian Muslims

After the activation of Hezbollah in Syria, incidents of large-scale violence and atrocities against Sunni Muslims came to light. The majority of Syria’s Sunni community supported the anti-Assad rebellion, while Hezbollah carried out violent repression under the protection of the Assad government. Hezbollah forces launched several attacks in coordination with the Syrian army to crush rebel groups. In which thousands of innocent civilians lost their lives. Syrian rebel groups and the general public consider Hezbollah an occupier. Which was involved in destroying their houses, mosques and religious places. Its activities deepened Syria’s Shia-Sunni conflict.

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