These flours are a panacea for controlling blood sugar, if consumed, sugar will be controlled.

Diabetes i.e. sugar is a disease which has become very common nowadays. In this disease the sugar level in the body increases. If it is not controlled, it can cause many serious diseases. Diet plays a big role in controlling sugar. Let us know about some flours which help in controlling blood sugar.

1. Oats flour

Oats have a very high amount of fiber. Fiber allows blood sugar to rise slowly and keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time. You can eat oats flour by making porridge, paratha or pancake.

2. Barley flour

Barley flour is also rich in fiber. It helps in keeping blood sugar stable. You can eat barley flour by making roti, paratha or kheer.

3. Millet flour

Bajra flour is also rich in fiber. Along with controlling blood sugar, it also helps in reducing weight. You can eat millet flour by making roti, paratha or khichdi.

4. Corn flour

Corn flour is also rich in fiber. Along with controlling blood sugar, it also keeps the digestive system healthy. You can eat maize flour by making rotis, parathas or pakodas.

Benefits of eating these flours:

  • Blood Sugar Control: All these flours are rich in fiber which allows the blood sugar to rise slowly.
  • Help in weight loss: These flours make you feel full for a longer time so you eat less and lose weight.
  • Keeps the digestive system healthy: The fiber present in these flours helps in keeping the digestive system healthy.
  • Reduces the risk of heart diseases: These flours help in reducing cholesterol thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases.

How to consume them:

You can include these flours in your everyday diet. You can make roti, paratha, pancake, kheer or porridge and eat them. You can also use these flours by mixing them with other flours.


  • Before making any dietary changes, consult your doctor.
  • Along with eating these flours, you should also do regular exercise.
  • It is very important to have a balanced diet.

Disclaimer: This information is for general information only and should not be taken as any medical advice. Always consult your doctor for any health problems.

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