These small mistakes can become the cause of Pitra Dosh, know the solution

Pitra Dosh

Pitara Dosh: Pitra Dosh is an astrological defect, which is associated with our ancestors. It is believed that when the souls of our ancestors do not find peace, or there is any ancestral debt left in our family, then Pitra Dosh arises. This defect can cause many problems in a person's life. Such as health related problems, financial problems, obstacles in marital life etc. Many types of remedies have been suggested to remove Pitra Dosh like performing Shraddha rituals, performing Shraddha of ancestors etc.

Pitru Paksha lasts for 16 days. During this period, the responsibilities of the ancestors are fulfilled by performing rituals like Pind Daan, Tarpan and charity. If the deeds are not done properly during these days, Pitra Dosh may occur. Due to Pitra Dosh, many types of problems can arise in a person's life. Knowingly or unknowingly we make many such mistakes at home, due to which Pitra Dosh can increase, so let us know which mistakes should be corrected.

ancestral defect

According to astrology, Pitra Dosh is the result of incomplete deeds of our ancestors. When our ancestors are not able to fulfill their duties before their death, their soul does not find peace and the blame falls on their descendants. Due to Pitra Dosh, a person may have to face many problems in life. Such as financial crisis, diseases, delay in marriage and family discord. This defect transmits negative energy into a person's life and can land him in many kinds of problems.

Do not keep the dough

Keeping kneaded flour in the house during Pitru Paksha is considered inauspicious. It is believed that the kneaded dough becomes like a mass, which gets attached to our ancestors. Kneading flour during this period is an insult to the ancestors and can cause Pitra Dosha. Due to Pitra Dosh, many types of problems can arise in a person's life. Therefore, during Pitru Paksha, special care should be taken about the cleanliness of the house and Tarpan and Pind Daan should be done to the ancestors.

Do not cook food with hair open

Keeping hair open while preparing food during Pitru Paksha is considered inauspicious. According to religious beliefs, it can invite Pitra Dosh. Special care should be taken while preparing food for ancestors during this holy period. Keeping hair tied is an important part of caution. Open hair is considered impure. This may insult the ancestors, hence always keep your hair tied while preparing food during Pitru Paksha.

cook food with hair covered

Apart from this, hair should be covered while cooking during Pitru Paksha. Cooking food without covering hair is considered inauspicious. According to religious beliefs, special precautions should be taken during this holy time. If you cook food without covering your head with chunri or dupatta, it is considered an insult to the ancestors. In this way, Pitra Dosh can also occur, hence it is very important to cover the head while preparing food during Pitru Paksha.



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