This morning habit can become fatal, diseases like cancer can arise in the body.

This morning habit can become fatal diseases like cancer can arise in the body

Here is important information about stale tea and the harm caused by reheating it.

Health Tips: In our country, people do not have their morning without tea. We start the morning with tea. Tea is often made at home, heated, and drunk again and again. But have you thought how harmful this habit can be? According to recent research and expert opinion, drinking stale tea can cause many health problems, including the risk of cancer. Here is important information about stale tea and the harm caused by reheating it.

Relationship between stale tea and cancer

Some components in stale tea, such as tannins and caffeine, become oxidized when the tea is cooled and stored for long periods of time. In this process, free radicals are generated, which can damage the body cells and increase the risk of serious diseases like cancer. Although this is not a direct reason, but continuous consumption of stale tea can lead to this danger.

Disadvantages of reheating tea

Drinking heated tea repeatedly can also be harmful for health. When tea is heated repeatedly, the polyphenols and antioxidants present in it are destroyed, which does not provide any benefit to the body. Apart from this, heating can also cause bacteria to grow, which increases the chances of stomach diseases like gastritis and acidity.

Other disadvantages of drinking stale tea
Drinking stale tea can affect the digestive system, causing problems like gas, acidity and heartburn. The caffeine and tannins present in tea can reduce the whiteness of teeth. Drinking hot tea frequently can stain your teeth. Drinking stale tea has a negative effect on the body's immunity, making you easily vulnerable to diseases.

What to do if the tea gets cold
If the tea gets cold, it is better to make fresh tea instead of reheating it. If you heat tea again and again, it loses its nutrients and can be harmful to health.

(For more news apart from This morning habit can become fatal diseases like cancer can arise in the body, stay tuned to Read)

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