Try these tips to get relief from dryness of eyes, you will get relief

Eye irritation, itching and dryness are a common problem, which can occur due to many reasons. Such as allergies, pollution, spending too much time on computer etc. However, with some home remedies you can get relief from these problems.

Here are 3 easy and effective home remedies:

  1. Cold water compress:

    • Dip a clean cloth in cold water and squeeze it.
    • Keep it gently on the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
    • Cold water soothes the eyes and reduces swelling.
  2. Aloe vera gel:

    • Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing eye irritation and swelling.
    • Apply some aloe vera gel around the eyes.
    • Wash it after some time.
  3. Give rest to eyes:

    • Do not spend too much time in front of computer or mobile screen.
    • Look at something in the distance for a few seconds every 20 minutes.
    • Use a humidifier in the room before sleeping at night.

Other useful tips:

  • Use sunglasses: Always wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from sunlight.
  • Eat a balanced diet: Consume foods rich in Vitamin A, like carrots, spinach etc.
  • Avoid makeup: Avoid applying makeup around the eyes.
  • Wash eyes often: Keep washing eyes with clean water.

When to see a doctor:

If your problem persists or worsens even after these home remedies, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

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