Understanding Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Identification and Prevention Measures

Breast cancer cases among women are increasing every year in India. According to Globocan data, about three lakh new cases of breast cancer were reported in India in the year 2022. This figure is increasing every year. Most cases of breast cancer appear in the last stage. The main reason for this is that women are not aware of the symptoms. In many cases, despite symptoms appearing, they are not diagnosed on time. Women do not know which test is needed to detect breast cancer.

Experts say that mammography is an important test to detect breast cancer. Any lump in the breast can be detected by examining breast X-ray, but nowadays a new technology has also come. In which breast cancer can be easily identified with less radiation.

What is thermal breast screening?

Dr. Sachin Ambekar, Director of the Department of Minimal Access and Surgical Oncology, MASH Hospital, Delhi, has told about this. Dr. Sachin explains that this technique is called thermal breast screening test. This test is non-invasive, radiation-free and gives accurate information. Thermography uses an infrared camera to look at heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues. Due to which breast cancer can be identified easily. This is a new technique and is much better than mammography and gives comparatively good results.

Dr. Sachin says that the month of October is for breast cancer awareness. This month, MASH Hospital is hosting free breast cancer screenings for women. Women will be provided free thermal breast screening, breast ultrasound and doctor's consultation throughout the month from 1st to 31st October. With the help of this test, breast cancer can be identified easily. Women can undergo this test.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

  • a lump in the breast
  • Changes in the nipple and inversion of the areola
  • fluid discharge from nipple
  • persistent pain in the breast

how to protect

  • take care of your diet
  • exercise every day
  • don't smoke
  • do not consume alcohol
  • If anyone in the family has had breast cancer, get tested.
  • Get screened for breast cancer after age 30

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